terça-feira, maio 21, 2013

The Art Of Travel

"If our lives are dominated by a search for hapiness, then perhaps few activities reveal as much about the dynamics of this quest - in all its ardour and paradoxes - than our travels. They express, however inarticulately, an understanding of what life might be about, outside the constraints of work and the struggle for survival."

Alain de Botton

6 comentários:

PenaBranca disse...

say what?

Nuno Guronsan disse...

Read it to understand it.
Anyway, you're not the greatest example :)))


PenaBranca disse...

realmente, com tanta viagem já encontrei o verdadeiri "understanding of what life might be about". 42.

Nuno Guronsan disse...

Certamente que já o percebeste. Agora só te falta realmente encontrá-lo. Mesmooooooo. :))

PenaBranca disse...

ou será 34c?

Nuno Guronsan disse...

Nunca se sabe...