Dona de casa desesperada... por fazer bons negócios de erva. Lojas de ervas "medicinais" que vendem chupa-chupas impregnados de marijuana. Um miudo obcecado em matar um leão da montanha à solta pela cidade. Mães que misturam laxantes com os chocolates da filha obesa e a vingança da filha que decide "prender" os intestinos da mãe querida. Um tio completamente louco por sexo on-line e com um sentido de humor muito pouco católico. Os subúrbios da upper-class americana no seu melhor politicamente incorrecto. E os diálogos... simplesmente geniais...
Celia Hodes: Here's the thing, I really want to fuck around on Dean but the thought of putting one more cock into my mouth is just too depressing.
Nancy Botwin: I'm not sure a vagina would be much of an improvement for you.
Celia Hodes: [holds up a flyer] Here. I'm posting these in the neighborhood. I tell you, I have a good mind to stay in a hotel until they catch that cougar. Though a part of me is hoping it will maul Dean, and I wouldn't want to miss that.
Nancy Botwin: "What to do if you meet a mountain lion. Give the mountain lion some room. Don't make eye contact. Talk to the lion softly." Are you sure this isn't what to do if you *date* a mountain lion?
Andy Botwin: Hey, what do you think is better "Jesus say relax" or "I'm to sexy for my Lord?"
Nancy Botwin: Andy, today it was brought to my attention that the downside to this business is death, so right now I'm not thinking about "the bakery" I'm thinking about enrolling in dental hygiene school so my children aren't orphans.
Andy Botwin: If anything happens to you, I will raise Silas and Shane as my own.
Nancy Botwin: Ok, now I pledge never to die.
A RTP2 encontra mais uma pérola... (clicar na imagem, para ver melhor o "jardim" :)