sexta-feira, março 28, 2008

Six sides to every story (telling)

"Seven simple rules of going into hiding: one, never trust a cop in a raincoat. Two, beware of enthusiasm and of love, both are temporary and quick to sway. Three, if asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks, he will never ask you again. Four, never give your real name. Five, if ever asked to look at yourself, dont. Six, never do anything the person standing in front of you cannot understand. And finlly seven, never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life."

(I'm Not There)

Se o filme fosse sobre mim, acho que rebentava de tanto orgulho.

2 comentários:

PenaBranca disse...

I was there.

Olinda disse...

Não é mas...podes rebentar com o meu. :-)