terça-feira, abril 10, 2007


"I can play the harmonica with my nose, make a penny come out of a child's ear, or any other orifice for that matter, and given the right circumstances bring two women to simultaneous ecstasy."

(aqui há mais)

2 comentários:

Ricardo disse...


Há frases simplesmente deliciosas. Fartei-me de rir com esta:

Tritter: "Merry Christmas."
House: "Happy go to hell."

E com esta:

Foreman: "I had a date last night. She screamed too. You think we should spend a hundred thousand dollars testing her?"
House: "Of course not. This isn't a veterinary hospital. Zing!"
- Lines in the Sand

Entre muitas outras...


Patrícia disse...

Eheheh... o gajo é o mau feitio em pessoa! :D