It's with great regret that I have to tell all of you that Beirut is canceling their summer European shows. My reasons for doing this are many, a lot of them personal, but I still feel I need to provide something of an explanation.
The past two years have been a mindblowing experience. From the first indications that people were putting songs from Gulag up on their blogs to our incredible tour of Australia and New Zealand that we just completed, everything that has happened has been beyond anything I'd ever hoped could happen with the music I wrote and recorded in my bedroom. Once things started happening, I decided I wanted to do everything as big as possible. So, I set about putting together a large band, and giving that band a huge sound, and making the most spectacular records we possibly could.
I know this can sound like an artist shithead kind of comment, but going through all that really does have its low points along with the highs. The responsibilities of gathering people around your vision, working with great people like those who work directly for the band and those at the label, wanting to insure that every show is as good as humanly possible so that every single person in the audience sees that we put in a real effort, all of that leads to a lot of issues in terms of doing right by people who have done you right.
It's come time to change some things, reinvent some others, and come back at some point with a fresh perspective and batch of songs.
Please accept my apologies. I promise we'll be back, in some form.
7 comentários:
... espera lá. pára tudo.
Concerto do ano? Do ano?!?!...
Jovem, não blasfemes!!
Com Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan e Lou Reed com agendas a prever passagens por Portugal, tu dizes uma heresia dessas?... Já para não falar de Nick Cave, Portishead, The National, Rufus W. Cat Power and so on so on...
Toma juízo, meu rapaz...
(de repente apanhei um daqueles sustos valentes: é que depois de ver a amiga Nicole lá em baixo, pensei que te estivesses a referir ao concerto dos Tokio
Todos esses que aí mencionas são mestres e mestras, sim senhor, mas...
Este ano... era este puto.
Tinha de ser.
Era o que fazia sentido.
Fica para a próxima.
Tenho de confessar que já tinha saudades destas tuas enxurradas de comentários, minha querida...
Beijos atlânticos.
Venham elas!, as enxurradas!
Prometo que serei mais atenta (tenho tido muito que fazer entre casa e escola nova)
Beijos atlânticos daqui também
também fiquei desolado. essencialmente com a explicação. mas irei a Sines na mesma :)
A explicação... pois.... não sei o que diga...
Quem me dera ir a Sines, mas não vai dar provavelmente...
Obrigado pela visita.
ainda bem que encontrei aqui uma pequena justificação para não virem....
Gostei do "I promise we'll be back, in some form"
Vamos ver como será...
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